Turning Big Ideas Into Big Impact


Big ideas are often driven by curiosity and dissatisfaction with the status quo. While these brilliant ideas may have power, they can be fragile.

Because change is hard and makes most of us uncomfortable, even the best ideas will face skepticism and resistance. To build the future, we must first win over skeptics, forge strategic relationships, and create the time and space for ideas to take root and mature. Here is how we partner with innovators to help big ideas take root:


Establish that “Here is Horrible.”

It’s not enough to just present an innovative idea and a rosy picture of the future. To create momentum for change, you must clearly communicate why the status quo isn’t working anymore.

Show How a Better Future is Possible. 

It is equally important to paint a high-definition picture of a compelling, better future. It’s easy to get stuck in negative stories, but helping others see hope is essential to change.

Answer the “Why Now” Question. 

A skeptical audience may ask, “why bother changing if people have lived this way for a long time?” It is crucial to make a compelling case that this time is different and why now has all the ingredients for change.

Remember that Time is Your Secret Ingredient. 

Persistence and imagination goes hand-in-hand. The future relies on innovators, like you, to stay curious and open, and stubbornly hold onto the hope that things can change.


In challenging times, innovators see opportunities to define the future and thrive. FutureCrunch CEO and co-founder Tané Hunter put it this way: “Who do I want to be with at the end of the world party?”  We know where we’d want to be – with the people who have the imagination, drive, and belief that a better future is possible. We want you to be there too.

Tino Chow

Working with visionaries to build impactful movements through developing brands that help their teams make mission-driven decisions autonomously.


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