A summit that rallied innovators and funders to save the oceans


We had the privilege to work with SeaAhead to design and host last Thursday’s Global Bluetech Summit in Brooklyn, New York.

The vision of SeaAhead is to bridge the gap between the identified challenges and solutions surrounding the oceans. To date, resources have mostly gone into advocacy, policymaking, and research, all of which only points to the problems. The purpose of SeaAhead is to bring together visionaries, innovators, and funders to break down silos and seek sustainable solutions together.

The inaugural Global Bluetech Summit is a significant step forward to closing that gap between challenges and solutions. With over 200 attendees from various sectors from around the world, new conversations started, friendships forged, and collaborations will soon follow.

Check back soon for a case study on this project soon.

Tino Chow

Working with visionaries to build impactful movements through developing brands that help their teams make mission-driven decisions autonomously.


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