Journeys of hope
Celebrating refugees with a night of storytelling.
We worked with Beautiful Day to create an event that offered refugees a platform for sharing their amazing stories. On a Tuesday night in October 2019, around 300 people gathered to hear four inspiring storytellers and celebrate as Beautiful Day presented the second annual refugee impact award.
Like many early-stage technology companies, Arctura has spent their time and resources developing innovations in wind energy. As they prepared to enter the next phase of business, they realized a competitor with a similar name was a risk for market confusion. This is an opportunity to not only change their name, but also differentiate themselves for a position of strength.
Early-stage companies often evolve rapidly as they seek a clear market fit, and many entrepreneurs and leaders need to spend more time clarifying their evolving vision, so the whole team knows who they are and where they are going. Rapid change presents an opportunity to make necessary business upgrades and find their breakthrough, rather than maintain the status quo.
We used a collaborative vision exercise to help the Arctura team find a renewed and realigned purpose. As a result, the team is even more excited and confident about their work, and this excitement carries over into their brand. Together they are ready for the next phase of growth: successfully taking their innovative products into a competitive market.
“The Journeys of Hope brand is way beyond what we were expecting. It’s like visual poetry. How does one capture kindness? We don’t know, but Giant Shoulders did it. We’ve worked with other design companies that don’t and you can tell from the results. They really listen, it is a rare gift.”
Rebecca Garland, Director of Strategic Partnerships of Beautiful Day
Clarifying the Internal Values, Vision, and Mission
When we rebranded Beautiful Day several years ago, finding a meaningful new name to fit this growing organization was our top priority. Choosing a memorable name for their inaugural event was no different.
We landed on Journeys of Hope early in the process, and as the event developed, the name’s resonance deepened. This name put the refugee storytellers front and center, highlighting their resilience, courage, and hope, and we designed a logo to reflect the joy and optimism at the heart of this annual event. Journeys of Hope is a story that’s just getting started.
Bringing the Event to Life
True to Beautiful Day’s mission, this evening came together as a collaborative community effort. We invited refugee-owned businesses and organizations with similar values to partner with us and sponsor the event. Local artists and businesses provided stunning hospitality through delicious food and beautiful staging. From the artists and chefs to the nursery providing decorative plants, this community came together to create a welcoming, on-brand, and engaging environment.
This first event was great success, drawing 300 people out on a Tuesday night, and the story is just beginning. Journeys of Hope, now an annual event, is the natural next step in growing Beautiful Day’s brand and community impact.

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Environmental Design
Event Planning Support
Web Design
Tino Chow / Brand Strategy
Tony Jean-Baptise / Logo Design
Mike Valdes / Project Management