Bluegreen Challenge

Encouraging the Next Generation of Ocean Innovators.


Rhode Island’s ambitious climate and clean energy goals make this the opportune time for our next generation of leaders to think big. SeaAhead, National Grid, and the Cambridge Innovation Center established the BlueGreen Innovation Challenge to help university students develop creative solutions for the intersection of energy, food, urban life, and coastal communities.



New England universities are home to incredible students with the potential to change our planet for the better, but figuring out where to start is only the beginning. First they need community support and outside opportunities to help them think big about the world they want to live in.


SeaAhead’s goal is to push innovation forward for the ocean by developing the emerging bluetech industry. As bluetech’s influence continues to grow, it’s more important than ever to create opportunities for a new generation and invite more people into the fold.


The BlueGreen Challenge successfully welcomed new voices into the bluetech world, attracting 34 applicants from 12 different academic institutions. In the end, 8 finalists had a chance to work with mentors, get feedback from industry experts, and present their pitches, and several winners continue to develop their concepts.


01 / Communication Strategy & Design

Inviting sponsors and students to innovate for the ocean

The BlueGreen Challenge began with a core idea -- helping New England students dream up solutions for challenges at the nexus of ocean health, food security, renewable energy, and urban and coastal communities. We helped SeaAhead develop a communication strategy designed to attract sponsors and participants.

Our messaging and communication strategy were designed to articulate the challenges our communities face and how bluetech companies are actively working to solve them, serving as an inspiration and invitation for students to make a difference. From there, we developed communication assets designed to spread the word and attract potential participants, as well as communicate value to potential sponsors and raise support for the challenge.

Bluegreen Challenge Website →



Group Applications & 8 Finalists


Participating Institutions


Awarded to the top 3 Winners


Attendees at the Awards


Reached across Email & Social Media




Campaign Strategy & Positioning

Campaign Design

Web Design

Project Team

Tino Chow / Strategy

Sarah Rabinovich-Pratt / Campign Design

Mike Valdes / Project Producer

Next Case Study →

Passing homeless legislation with storytelling.